Cheryl Graziano is an elected member of Region 9 Board of Education that oversees Joel Barlow High School in Redding, CT.
She supports high quality education in a welcome and supportive learning environment where students can grow and succeed.
Cheryl was elected to the Region 9 Board of Education in 2017 and was reelected in 2021 to serve a second four-year term. Cheryl has volunteer experience with community organizations in Connecticut and New Jersey.
She has over 27 years of experience as a corporate finance executive, accountant or auditor and 10+ years of experience working for a non-profit organization.
Cheryl, her husband Peter, and their three daughters have lived in Redding since 2011. One daughter currently attends Barlow and two are Barlow graduates (2021, 2019).
2019 Barlow Graduation
2021 Barlow Graduation (successful outdoor ceremony following all COVID-19 Protocols)
Current Service on Region 9
-Treasurer Region 9 Board of Education
-Member of ER9 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Task Force; ER9 joint policy, ER9 strategic planning; R9 policy, budget committees
Past Service on Region 9
-Vice Chair of Region 9 Board of Education
-Chair of R9 curriculum, pension, and audit committees
-Member of R9 negotiating and budget committees
-Co-Chair of Superintendent Personnel Search Steering committee
-Head of school selection committee member
27-year background as an auditor and corporate accountant
-Strong foundation to develop appropriate and reasonable education budgets
-Experience with managing benefits and pension plans, financial budgets, and financial statements, Long Range Planning
10 years working for a non-profit organization
-Provided professional educational programs that involved communications to 15,000 members across 75 chapters in the US and Canada
-Experienced in governing delivery of curriculum that meets the learning needs of all Barlow students
Over 14 years of volunteer experience at the local and state level
-CT and NJ PTAs
-National Charity League
-Junior Achievement
Endorsed by the Redding-Georgetown Democratic Town Committee https://www.reddingdemocrats.com/dtc-slate
I can bring momentum from our accomplishments over the last four years and continue focusing on issues such as enhancing stability with students back in the building since COVID-19.
I also understand the intensity of time and commitment this volunteer elected position demands, and won’t require the learning curve of a new candidate. My experience will ensure faster progress in areas in need of improvement.